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Everything about epoxy resin

Guide to Epoxy Resin

Epoxidharz für Anfänger & Profis: So gelingt die perfekte Verarbeitung unter idealen Bedingungen

Gefahren und Risiken von Epoxidharz

Dangers and Risks of Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin: minimizing risks Epoxy resin is a versatile and popular material that is valued in the arts and crafts industry for its myriad capabilities. From making jewelry to creating artwork, it offers endless opportunities for creative expression. However, it...


Holz versiegeln mit Epoxidharz

Sealing wood with epoxy resin

Preserving natural beauty: wood finishing with epoxy resin Our epoxy resin features a precise blend of high-quality resin and hardener, ensuring easy handling and reliable curing. Our special formula achieves optimal adhesion to various surfaces, including wood, resulting in a...


Das Beste Epoxidharz für "Resin Art"

The Best Epoxy Resin for "Resin Art"

Resin Art Epoxy with the 1:1 formula - Mixing has never been so easy! Have you ever heard of resin art ? Resin art is a modern art form that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves mixing...


Epoxidharz richtig einfärben

How to color epoxy resin correctly

Coloring epoxy resin: countless color variations Tips and tricks for coloring epoxy resin. This is how it's done right! Epoxy resin is valued by artists and craftsmen for its impressive glossy surfaces and versatile uses. By adding color pigments or...


ACHTUNG: Epoxidharz bei hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen

ATTENTION: Epoxy resin at high and low temperatures

Casting epoxy resin at extreme temperatures When working with epoxy resin, it is especially important to consider the effects of extreme temperatures , as both high and low temperatures can affect the processing and curing of the resin. Here are...


So entfernen Sie Epoxidharz richtig – in 3 Schritten !

How to remove epoxy resin correctly – in 3 steps!

How to remove epoxy resin epoxy resin is known for its versatility and durability and it is just as difficult to remove, especially if it has been accidentally applied or spilled. Whether in arts and crafts, DIY or industrial applications, properly...


5 Gründe, warum Silikonbecher deinen Workflow erleichtern

5 Reasons Why Silicone Cups Make Your Workflow Easier

Silicone Measuring Cups for Perfect Epoxy Resin Mixing: Why We Love Them and How They Help Us! Silicone measuring cups may not be an exciting product at first glance, but for anyone who works with resin on a regular basis,...


Kristallisation bei Epoxidharz – erkennen und sofort beheben!

Crystallization in epoxy resin – recognize it and fix it immediately!

Is your epoxy resin white, flaky and no longer usable? Follow these tips on crystallization! First of all, the good news: The crystallization of epoxy resins is completely reversible and can be reversed without leaving any residue. In the same...


Richtiges Epoxidharz auswählen – Welches ist für meinen Zweck geeignet?

Choosing the right epoxy resin – which one is suitable for my purpose?

Floor coating, river table or bookmarks. There is the right epoxy resin for every project. epoxy resin offers a wide range of possibilities and uses. Nevertheless, it makes sense to use different products depending on the type of project. We provide...


Was tun, wenn das Epoxidharz nicht aushärtet – 5 einfache Tipps!

What to do if the epoxy resin does not harden – 5 simple tips!

Tips & Reasons Why Epoxy Resin Does Not Harden Epoxy resin is an exciting and versatile material for realizing a wide variety of projects. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, it can happen that it does not harden properly...


Silikonformen für Epoxidharz selber herstellen

Make your own silicone molds for epoxy resin

Silicone molds create an endless number of possibilities to become even more creative with epoxy resin epoxy resin is a versatile material and can be used for a variety of projects. However, it does not bond when in contact with silicone....


Epoxidharz optimal Mischen und Verwenden

Mixing and Using Epoxy Resin Optimally

6 steps to optimal epoxy resin application! epoxy resin is a versatile and durable material that can be used in a variety of craft projects and applications. Although it may seem complicated at first, using epoxy resin properly is easy to...


Epoxidharz richtig entsorgen

Properly dispose of epoxy resin

There are a few things to consider when disposing of epoxy resin. This is how to dispose of it correctly! As manufacturer of epoxy resin products We care not only about the quality of our materials, but also about promoting a sustainable use...


Wie vermeide ich Luftblasen im Epoxidharz

How do I avoid air bubbles in epoxy resin

This is how you get bubble-free epoxy! Using epoxy resin in creative projects has endless potential, but the hassle of pesky air bubbles can quickly dull the shine of the finished work of art. But don't panic - with a...
